jabil brand refresh


Jabil is a global manufacturing company with more than 260,000 employees across 100 locations across 30 countries. The enterprise is big, but it’s not a household name – it’s a brand behind the brand. Jabil’s customers include more than 300 of the most well-known companies in the world in every market from healthcare, packaging, smartphones and cloud equipment to automotive and appliances. Jabil makes things you already have in your home, car, or office building – probably even the device you are using right now.

As the enterprise grew, changed and adopted new business models, capabilities and customers, it became more important than ever for its brand to reflect the current marketplace. Simply put, Jabil stayed the same for too long while its competitors evolved and developed new identities and ways of communicating with their audiences. The Jabil brand was losing its competitive edge and getting lost in the marketplace. It needed a modern visual identity, global consistency and stronger brand enforcement. It was time for a global brand refresh.

Logo refresh

A full logo redesign was not in scope for the project, but I refreshed it by implementing a more modern color palette reflective of Jabil’s technological capabilities.

tagline development

When I started this project, Jabil used several taglines across the organization. To develop the new tagline, I synthesized the sentiment of the company, the existing messaging and the way employees and leaders talked about the brand.

The new tagline starts with a verb MADE, which is a more modern way to say manufacture. It also reflects what everyone in the company says Jabil does: “We make all the stuff.” The second word POSSIBLE describes the brand promise.

Jabil takes great pride in making anything their customers ask for possible – from materials to new ways of manufacturing and expanding in new regions and  markets. The last word BETTER is superlative and positions the company as the best in class.

This is how MADE POSSIBLE. MADE BETTER. was born.

design system

Next step was to create the color palette, choose typography styles, determine the brand angles and textures which work with the logo – everything needed to develop a visual brand identity.

brand guidelines & architecture

I wrote and designed Jabil’s Brand Guidelines, turning them from a very basic guide into a 70+ page book which covers the entire visual brand identity: from basic logo and tagline use, brand building blocks and interior design to video standards, way-finding systems – and everything in-between.

I also established, wrote, and designed the Enterprise Brand Architecture Guide. This document details the reasoning behind Jabil’s Branded House strategy and guides the organization’s process in entity naming during mergers and acquisitions. These guideline books are now the standard for all enterprise brand decisions.

visual identity design

After the basics were completed, it was time to roll up the sleeves and redesign all assets. This included everything from presentation and document templates, to reports and white papers, posters, ID badges…no detail was left behind.

ui / ux web design

A redesign of main enterprise website, careers site and virtual experience portal is where the brand really came to life. This included updating the content, refreshing layouts, and improving navigation for better user experience, conversions and site performance.

recruitment & Social media

In an enterprise of 260,000 employees, recruitment and employer value proposition play key roles. To support global recruitment efforts, all the necessary materials and templates were also redesigned to reflect the new visual identity. Small changes in typography and use of images and design elements were made to give these materials a more friendly appeal.


Office graphics and way-finding were one of the final touches in activating the new visual identity across Jabil’s 100+ global locations. This was an opportunity to instill a source of pride and inspiration with the employees, but also a way to introduce the brand to visitors and tell them a little bit about who Jabil is. The design included everything from interior and exterior signage, wall decals, strategically placed display screens, posters, privacy glass covering, etc.

I had the privilege of impending the entire environmental design concept at Jabil’s new Global Headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida – and this look is being replicated at Jabil sites around the world.